SoloPower Chooses Oregon for Solar Manufacturing

Published on: January 17, 2011

SoloPower, Inc., a California-based manufacturer of flexible, thin film solar cells and modules, announced it will locate its high volume manufacturing facility in Oregon.

The initial phase will be the construction of a 75-megawatts (MW) manufacturing line which will create 170 new solar jobs in Wilsonville, Oregon. Later stages call for expansion of up to 300 MW in capacity and the employment of approximately 500 people. The full build-out of the facility would represent a total investment of approximately $340 million.

SoloPower’s launched its lightweight modules in July 2010. The flexible modules, which are up to 2.9 meters in length, are
fabricated with copper indium gallium di-selenide (CIGS), using a
proprietary roll-to-roll electrodeposition process.Tim Harris, CEO, SoloPower, said the module is designed for commercial and industrial roofs. They can be mounted in locations with low weight-bearing ability, and are available in multiple sizes for efficient filling of irregularly shaped roofs. They are also installed at zero tilt, which increases the system’s coverage ratio and therefore power density.

The Small Scale Energy Loan Program (SELP) Advisory Committee recommended approval to the Oregon Department of Energy for a $20 million loan to SoloPower. SoloPower has also applied for a Business Energy Tax Credit (BETC) of $20 million from the State of Oregon. These State programs will enable the company’s efforts to rapidly scale up production, while providing an economic boost to the community, creating jobs, and supporting local businesses.

Simultaneously, SoloPower is in discussions with the United States Department of Energy to obtain a loan guarantee under Section 1703 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to support the construction of the additional production lines.

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