60,000 Small Businesses Urge Congress to Keep Clean Air Act Strong

Published on: December 16, 2010

Fourteen business organizations, representing 60,000 firms, responded to recent attacks on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) authority, by urging Congress on Wednesday to keep the Agency and the Clean Air Act strong.

At the same time, the groups expressed concern that the EPA’s half-year
of pending ozone (smog) rules will be costly to U.S. companies. The
delay could result in higher health costs due to increased employee sick-day
absenteeism and related medical costs borne entirely or partially by small
and large U.S. companies.

The groups sent a joint letter to congress that states "…
(S)mall business owners support some of the key strategies needed to reduce
pollution and transition to a clean energy economy. A recent national poll
of small business owners conducted by Small Business Majority … found that
61% of respondents agree that moving the country to clean energy is a
way to restart the economy and make their businesses more competitive in the
global economy, and that 50% support comprehensive clean energy and
climate policy … Larger businesses also support EPA’s authority under the
Clean Air Act and understand that it has spurred innovation and economic
value for the U.S.”

Christopher Van Atten, spokesperson, American Businesses for Clean Energy,
said: "The business case for a vigorous EPA enforcing well designed and
efficient Clean Air Act rules is clear. We support policy measures that will
create new economic opportunities and drive the transition to a clean energy
economy. This includes support for the adoption of effective federal
climate legislation, EPA regulation of greenhouse gas emissions, and
regulation of NOx, SO2, mercury, and other hazardous air pollutants from
power plants and industrial sources. Business leaders need long-term
policies that will provide the foundation for economic growth and
prosperity. Blocking, delaying or weakening the Clean Air Act will only
serve to set us back as we strive to build a new, strong and innovative

John Arensmeyer, founder and CEO, Small Business Majority: “Our research
confirms that small business owners support moving the country to clean
energy. They understand the connection between a clean energy economy and
small business growth. Our research also shows that the Clean Air Act’s
economic benefits have been significant, and anything limiting the EPA’s
ability to regulate greenhouse gases could negatively affect businesses
small and large. In this economic climate, small businesses need all the
help they can get to stay competitive in a global economy."

The 14 U.S. business groups joining together to support the Clean
Air Act are:

  • Small Business Majority
  • Main Street Alliance
  • American Businesses for Clean Energy
  • Businesses for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy (BICEP)
  • American Wind Energy Association
  • American Sustainable Business Council
  • Manhattan Chamber of Commerce
  • South Carolina Small Business Chamber
  • Women’s Business Development Center
  • Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility
  • Oregon Small Business for Responsible Leadership
  • The Center for Small Business and the Environment
  • New Voice of Business
  • Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2).

Together, the organizations include more than 60,000 firms, ranging from
some of the nation’s largest companies to small “mom and pop” Main Street
retailers and other firms.
Companies that want to sign on the joint letter supporting the EPA and Clean
Air Act can do so at the link below.

A report issued in October 2010 by Small Business Majority found
that there are major economic benefits of the Clean Air Act. The report also concluded that the Clean Air Act has
spurred important technological innovations, such as catalytic converters,
that have made the United States a world leader in the export of
environmental export technologies. These exports grew by 130% between
1993 and 2003, and were valued at $30 billion in 2004.

In addition to indicating strong U.S. business support for the Clean Air Act
and the EPA, the groups cautioned that the EPA’s recent decision to delay
moving ahead with an ozone pollution rule by six months will come with a
real price tag in terms of sick workers and family members, resulting in
lost workdays, lower productivity, and other adverse bottom-line impacts for
companies. According to the EPA, the new smog standards would “help prevent
up to 12,000 premature deaths and 58,000 cases of aggravated asthma and save
up to $100 billion in health care costs.”

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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