2010 Could Be Warmest Year on Record

Published on: December 3, 2010

2010 is certain to be among the top three warmest years on record, and could end up being the warmest, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

The organization made the announcement yesterday on the sidelines of the UN climate change conference in Cancun, Mexico. 

So far, 2010 has been slightly warmer than both 1998 and 2005–the hottest full-years on record. (The climate records date backt to roughly 1850.) Land and sea surface temperatures through the remainder of December will determine the year’s final ranking.

The announcement was meant to spur delegates towards an agreement for reducing greenhouse gases. When asked if the temperature data were evidence that human emissions of greenhouse gases were warming the climate, WMO chief Michel Jarraud said, "Short answer: yes."

Read the full story at the  link below.

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Comments on “2010 Could Be Warmest Year on Record”

  1. Mike collins

    Warmest yeear ever ? – Really – Wasnt it significantly warmer in the Medievil warm period (MWP) – This seems to be an ignored fact that isnt as impressive as the statements in this article. How much credibility can there be for the quality of this reporting ?
    Since the 1600’s we’ve also been coming out of a small iceage, it’s therefore no surprise that we have warmer times ever since then also isnt it?

  2. Jackie

    Mike, I suspect that when corrections are made to the data, it will be the warmest in the warmest decade, which followed the then warmest decade, which followed… well, you get the picture. As a scientist, I think we all need to prepare for more disasters like Moscow, Pakastan and Nashville, and fast.


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