Moderate Republicans Speak Out Against Climate Skepticism

Published on: November 22, 2010

A couple moderate Republicans have come out against the relentless climate skepticism expressed by many of the party’s more conservative members in Washingtong, according to a story on

Former Rep. Sherwood Boehlert (R-N.Y.), who led the House Science Committee from 2001 to 2006, published an opinion column in the Washington Post on Friday, titled "Science the GOP Can’t Wish Away."

Earlier in the week, Rep. Bob Inglis (R-S.C.), who lost his primary to a more conservative Republican, spoke out against climate skeptics at a House Science and Technology Committee hearing.

“Tom Friedman gave me this great analogy yesterday,” Inglis said. “Your child is sick. Ninety-eight doctors say ‘treat him this way.’ Two say ‘no, this other [way] is the way to go.’ I’ll go with the two. You’re taking a big risk with those kids. Because 98 of the doctors say, ‘do this thing,’ two say, ‘do the other.’”

Inglis added that Republicans will go after climate science when they take control of the House next year. 

Read the full story at the link below.

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Comments on “Moderate Republicans Speak Out Against Climate Skepticism”

  1. Harry Braun

    Of course the end is near, haven’t you read the Bible, you heathens?

    Where does lack of respect for science come from?

    So far, one of the only groups of people in the world to display grotesque arrogance and lack of respect for scientific organizations are the Young-Earth Creationists. YEC’s believe the earth is only 6000 years old when in fact about 40 different lines of scientific evidence all corroborate each other and prove that it’s closer to 4.5 billion years old. As far as the science goes, these folks are off by a factor of 750,000 to 1. It’s like asking someone how far they think the moon is from the earth and they tell you it’s 3 miles away. What’s even more funny is that these people will argue until the cows come home that the science backs them up.

    The Republican party is inundated with Young-Earth-Creationists who abhor science. Many of them think we should let the earth fall into ruin because then Jesus will come back. Many of them also believe that rules to protect the environment aren’t just wrong, but, evil.

    I’ll give you an example:

    Rep. John Shimkus (R-Ill.) is currently campaigning to chair the House Energy and Commerce Committee next year. He’s been on the committee since 1997, and he says he’s “uniquely qualified” for the job. According to the Toronto Star, Shimkus claimed in 2009 that we don’t have to worry about global warming because God promised not to destroy the Earth. Really, I’m not kidding.

    First, he spoke of God’s post-Flood promise to Noah in Genesis 8:21-22:

    “Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though all inclinations of his heart are evil from childhood and never again will I destroy all living creatures as I have done.

    “As long as the earth endures, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, will never cease.”

    “I believe that’s the infallible word of God, and that’s the way it’s going to be for his creation,” Shimkus said.

    Then he quoted Matthew 24:31:

    “And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds from one end of the heavens to the other.”

    “The Earth will end only when God declares it’s time to be over. Man will not destroy this Earth. This Earth will not be destroyed by a flood,” Shimkus asserted. “I do believe that God’s word is infallible, unchanging, perfect.”

    Believe me, people with such a mindset don’t change their minds readily. It’s going to take a whole lot more than scientific evidence to convince them of anything.

    If you care at all about what the smartest people on the planet think:

    Read: Talent and Taste

    Read: Opinions that Matter

    Read: The Highest IQ in the World


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