Microfunding Site Launches for Nonprofit Green Energy Projects

Published on: November 15, 2010

Boston-based non-profit New Generation Energy (NGE) launched a website to facilitate microfunding for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects being undertaken by other nonprofits.

The Green Energy Project Microfunding site makes it simple for individuals to learn about and support specific green energy projects at organizations all across the U.S. 

The site is similar to other microfinance sites that allow for green investment, but support is in the form of a donation rather than a loan, and emphasis is placed on project metrics such as energy savings and green house gas emissions reduction. Any nonprofit organization may apply to be listed on the site. This includes family shelters, community centers, schools, universities, churches, and more.

All projects must be located in the United States, and all applying nonprofit organizations must be US-based.

"A web-based microfunding site dedicated to green energy projects has been needed for a long, long time," said NGE’s Executive Director, Chuck Lewin. "Now that New Generation Energy has developed the microfunding site, nonprofits can get funding for their green energy projects, educate the public about their sustainability efforts, and illustrate real world, practical applications of green energy technology."

The site has value not only as a source of funding for green energy projects, but a project posting can also serve as a ‘billboard’ for an organization’s efforts to become greener. Using the site, organizations can include pictures, video links, quotes from staff, and other materials to promote the organization and help drive donations to support the project.

New Generation Energy says its mission is to make America’s communities healthier and more sustainable through the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. NGE supports solar, wind, biomass, and geothermal, along with many different kinds of energy efficiency.

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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Comments on “Microfunding Site Launches for Nonprofit Green Energy Projects”

  1. TJ Hudson

    Hello. I want to change gareers to green energy. I have a BS in marketing and public relations. Being that I have that skill, my desire is ” to make America’s communities healthier and more sustainable through the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects”.
    I do understand that that may be some type of education needed although I d have a BS.


    We are a Grassroot Organization called TWEKEMBE ASSOCIATION CENTRE FOR RURAL SYSTEMS AND DEVELOPMENT (T.A-CRUSADE – UGANDA ), operating in the Communities, Incorporated under the Laws of The Republic of Uganda as a Not for Profit Company, Limited by Guarantee, working amongst the Most Vulnerable Persons in Mukono District, Uganda . T.A-CRUSADE- UGANDA empowers Communities to change difficult Situations into Opportunities that Improve their own Living Standards and Welfare to become Responsible Citizens and break away from the Pangs of Poverty.

    Each year, thousands of Ugandan Poor Youth and Children drop out of Schools and fail to get the basic gainful employment, while most of these are Teen mothers, Orphans, Victims of split families, Widows, Pregnant teenagers , from rural and peri-urban areas, HIV Victims. In the course of helping these victims of circumstances, we started a personal initiative in form of an Employment Agency in the Heart of Mukono Town called Twekembe Employment Centre which gives them some bit of Counseling, Meals, Temporary accommodation, Health Care and a Brief Job Mentoring, then give them out to people who employ them in petty jobs like House maids, bar maids and others paying less than one US dollar a day. Over 7,000 People have got jobs through our Employment Agency in the last 6 years though most of them are petty jobs given the level of Skills of the beneficiaries.
    Over a Period of time T.A-CRUSADE– UGANDA has become Conversant with Uganda’s Labour Laws and Regulations. Since T.A-CRUSADE – UGANDA carries out Parallel Monitoring of Workers recruited and Employed through its Job placement Bureau where ever they are taken, it has been witnessed that many have been manhandled, tortured, raped, overworked and some cheated of their wages. And many have desperately fled their work places to join peer groups engaged in deadly activities like thuggery, robberies, prostitution, drug abuse and others all in name of searching for survival. Consequently many have been sexually abused, resulting into unwanted pregnancies, contracting deadly diseases like HIV/AIDS. After rejection by Parents, Partners and Society at large many of these victims of circumstances return to our centre for assistance and moral support. In so doing, we realized that wasn’t a permanent solution. We are seriously overwhelmed by the needs around us given the fact that up to 300 new people report to us in one month for assistance and allocation to pet jobs.

    As a way of Assisting and Re-Intergregating these Vulnerable Persons into Society, T.A- CRUSADE – UGANDA has initiated a Community Vocational Training Project in Nakiwate Village, Nabaale Sub County, Mukono District to Train and Empower them with Vocational Skills in Hair dressing, Tailoring, Carpentry, Computer Applications, Masonry and Brick laying, Craft making among others, with all these Courses blended with an Entrepreneurship Component which will in turn improve on their income generating potential as we strive to improve on their Livelihood Prospects.

    Principally we are requesting for $4500 to purchase Roofing Materials, Doors and Windows for a 5 Class roomed Block we have constructed up to Wall plate level using Local Resources for Training Purposes as we wait for a Confirmed Bulky Vocational Training Equipment Donation from Europe for the same Project (Part of this has already arrived i.e. 28 Electric Sewing Machines).

    Any contribution towards this intent, whether technical, financial or material would be greatly appreciated .I hope you would like to have a look at our Project Write-up and Construction plan.

    Looking forward to hearing from you again
    Kind regards,
    EMAIL: twekembeassoc@yahoo.com
    WEBSITE: http://ta-crusade.yolasite.com
    TELEPHONES: +256 752 487 288 / +256 772 487 288


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