Johnson Controls to Install PV Solar at 73 Utah Schools

Published on: November 9, 2010

The Utah State Energy Program selected Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI) to oversee the
design and installation of 73 solar photovoltaic (PV) arrays at schools
throughout the state.

At least one solar array will be built in each of the state’s 41 school

Johnson Controls will install 5kW PV systems as a part of the
Solar for Schools program. The program is funded by a $3 million grant
from the U.S. Department of Energy through the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act (ARRA).

Solar for Schools is a statewide energy education initiative created to
help Utah students learn the value of renewable energy technology first
hand. The energy education program is slated to be the first of its kind
in the state of Utah.

Johnson Controls announced has already completed a solar installation at Salt Lake City School District’s Hillside Middle School.

Solar for Schools provides the scholastic resources for Utah students to learn about renewable energy technologies through interactive projects. Students will have the ability to track live data from the solar installations, compare the data across schools throughout the state, and measure the effects of temperature and location of the energy output. The program also includes a comprehensive K-12 curriculum and teacher training on the benefits of using energy generated by the sun.

The total installation of the 73 arrays is expected to remove more than 8,000 tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere over 20 years, equivalent to the carbon offset that would be generated by planting 11,000 trees and letting them grow for ten years.

The National Energy Foundation (NEF) will provide the renewable energy curriculum training for 200 teachers in Utah. Training workshops will include hands-on demonstrations appropriate for teaching all grade levels. The curriculum highlights solar, wind and geothermal technologies and can be integrated with science, technology, social studies, math and language arts lessons for K-12 students.

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