First Utility-Scale Wind Turbine Produced in Michigan

Published on: November 5, 2010

Merrill Technologies Group and Northern Power Systems unveiled the first-ever utility-scale wind turbine manufactured and assembled in Michigan. 

Merrill Technologies Group received a $22
million 48C Advanced Energy Manufacturing Tax Credit to expand its
production facilities to manufacture wind turbine nacelles, which are
the parts of the turbines that sit above the tower and house the engine
and other key turbine components.

The company invested $73 million of its own funds into the facility and received an additional $3 million for equipment purchases
through the Michigan Clean Energy Advanced Manufacturing (CEAM) program.

The components produced in Saginaw are part of the 2.2 MW wind turbine produced and marketed by Northern Power Systems.

According to the company,
they have already saved or created 40 jobs and are expecting to add 125
workers in 2011 when production at the facility ramps up.

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