Extending Daylight Savings Could Benefit Environment, Health

Published on: November 1, 2010

Each year opposition grows to the practice of setting clocks back during the winter months. Opponents say the practice is bad for the environment and for human health.

Bad for the environment, because an hour less daylight in the early evening means additional electricity is needed to power lights around the world, thereby adding to emissions from power generation. 

Furthermore, the extra hour of daylight could improve human health by encouraging more exercise and boosting vitamin D levels. 

"It must be rare to find a means of vastly improving the health and well-being of nearly everyone in the population–and at no cost," said Mayer Hillman of the Policy Studies Institute in Britain, where a bill on DST is coming up for consideration in parliament soon. "And here we have it."

Read full Reuters coverage at the link below.

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