U.S. Solar Companies Expect to Create 24,000 Jobs Next Year

Published on: October 14, 2010

Looking for solar jobs?

A review of national solar employment identified more
than 16,700 solar employment sites and 93,000 solar jobs in all 50

Additionally, the report–released by the non-profit Solar Foundation–found that solar employers expect to
increase the number of workers by 26%, representing nearly
24,000 net new jobs by August 2011.

The National Solar Jobs Census 2010 is the ?rst attempt to quantify the current
employment and projected growth of the United States solar industry and is based on a
statistically valid sampling of employers throughout the nation, according to Solar Foundation.

In general, U.S. solar companies expect to add jobs at a pace that is much faster
than the general economy, and are highly optimistic regarding their overall revenue
growth over the near term. Speci?cally, as of August 2010, the U.S. solar industry
employs an estimated 93,000 solar workers–de?ned as those workers who spend at least
50% of their time supporting solar-related activities.

OVer the next 12 months, over 50%
of solar ?rms expect to add jobs, while only 2% expect to cut workers. This ?nding is
especially relevant given that the overall expected 12-month growth rate for the entire
U.S. economy is only about 2%.

Other highlights from the report include:

  • Solar jobs exist in all 50 states.
  • The average solar installation ?rm employs 8 solar workers. 
  • The average solar manufacturing ?rm employs 24 solar workers. 
  • The average solar wholesale trade company employs four solar workers. 
  • The average utility that generates solar electric power employs four solar workers.

"Over the past 10 years, a strong and vibrant solar industry has emerged through innovation, market forces and smart government policies to create thousands of jobs across the value chain from manufacturing and engineering, construction and sales, to installation and other supporting industries," said Rhone Resch, Solar Energy Industry Association (SEIA) president and CEO. "This unprecedented census of jobs in the industry and the individual stories behind Solar Works for America illustrate that solar is indeed working for America in all 50 states and will only continue to grow stronger."

The full report is available at the website below.

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Comments on “U.S. Solar Companies Expect to Create 24,000 Jobs Next Year”

  1. Preston

    I am 60 years old, excited by the solar direction. I live in Chicago, I need training and I have a sales background….how, where do I get started?


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