SmartSynch Completes Ties With Major Cellular Carriers

Published on: October 13, 2010

Smart meter company SmartSynch, Inc. now has strategic agreements with the three major U.S. cellular companies.

On Tuesday, the company announced an agreement with Sprint (NYSE: S), following a similar announcement with Verizon (NYSE: VZ) last week and a long-time relationship with AT&T (NYSE: T).

SmartSynch’s smart grid products, including residential utility meters and router boxes, can now communicate over the cellular networks of all three companies. This allows utility companies to deploy smart grid technologies without having to build dedicated communications networks for data transfer.

SmartSynch has been focused on utilizing cellular networks since the introduction of its first SmartMeter(TM) in 2000. SmartSynch’s IP-enabled smart grid solutions enable two-way delivery of real-time energy usage data over cellular networks, in lieu of proprietary networks. SmartSych says more than 130 North American utilities have depoloyed its smart grid hardware to date.

“With today’s announcement, every major cellular provider is aggressively competing in this market and each carrier has a designated smart grid team actively responding to requests for proposals from utilities," said Stephen Johnston, chief executive officer, SmartSynch. "This is a very real occurrence and it’s going to alter the course of smart grid development for the good of utilities and their customers. Only cellular networks offer the bandwidth to support the smart grid applications of today and those that will inevitably surface as smart grid technology rapidly evolves.”

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