Gamesa, GE, Siemens Commit to UK Offshore Wind Plans

Published on: October 26, 2010

Three of the world’s largest wind turbine makers plan to invest more than 300 million pounds to build wind turbines for the United Kingom’s offshore wind industry, according to a Reuters report.

Gamesa (GAM.MC), Siemens (NYSE: SI) and GE (NYSE: GE) will each build manufacturing facilities in the UK that are expected to create more than 4,000 direct and indirect jobs.

The announcement corresponds with a commitment from the British government to maintain a 60 million-pound budget for adapting sea ports to accomodate offshore wind infrastructure. 

The UK has set a goal of building 32 megawatts of offshore wind capacity in the mid term.

GE previously announced it would invest up to 110 million in UK wind turbine manufacturing and engineering services, as part of a larger commitment in four European countries.

Siemens said it is closer to choosing a site for manufacturing facilities to open in 2014. Earlier this year the company said it is looking at locations along the East Coast and in the North East.

Gamesa reportedly will base the global headquarters of its offshore division in London, though it has yet to give specifics on manufacturing plans. In August, the company decided to keep its offshore wind turbine development in-house, rather than work with German firm Bard.

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