EPA Regulations Reinforce Red-and-Blue Divide

Published on: October 14, 2010

Thirty-seven states have now chosen sides in the legal battle over EPA regulations for greenhouse gas emissions that are set to take effect on January 1, 2011.

Not surprisingly, the breakdown of states reflects the blue and red divides that appear on U.S. maps during election seasons. According to a Greenwire report in the New York Times, 17 states are asking federal judges to review the pending EPA rules, while 20 have given their support to the new regulations. 

The unprecedented level of state involvement in an environmental lawsuit reflects the high stakes involved, and is just a preview of things to come. With the failure of Congress to pass climate legislation, business and environmental groups are likely to fight in court over every greenhouse gas permit for years to come.

Read the full story, which looks back at the political environment surrounding the landmark Massachusetts v. EPA… at the link below.



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