EPA Lays Out Five-Year Plan

Published on: October 11, 2010

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued its fiscal year (FY) 2011 to 2015 strategic plan, which includes five goals for a "cleaner, greener, and more sustainable environment," according to a release.

The five-year plan includes new benchmarks that track progress against priorities set by Administrator Lisa Jackson and the Obama Administration. The five strategic goals are:

  1. Taking action on climate change and improving air quality
  2. Protecting America’s waters 
  3. Cleaning up communities and advancing sustainable development 
  4. Ensuring the safety of chemicals and preventing pollution 
  5. Enforcing environmental laws

In addressing these priorities, EPA said it will continue to affirm the core values of science, transparency and the rule of law.

The Plan also introduces five cross-cutting fundamental strategies which are intended to set clear expectations for changing the way EPA does business. They are:

  • Expanding the Conversation on Environmentalism
  • Working for Environmental Justice and Children’s Health
  • Advancing Science, Research, and Technological Innovation
  • Strengthening State, Tribal, and International Partnerships
  • Strengthening EPA’s Workforce and Capabilities

Congress requires all federal agencies to develop a strategic plan covering a five year period, which is updated every three years.

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Read Politico.com coverage at the link below.

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