NASDAQ, Launch Green Economy Indexes

Published on: September 23, 2010

NASDAQ and launched the Green Economy Indexes today (Nasdaq: QGREEN). 

The family of green indexes covers all the world’s green stocks with a market cap of $50 million or higher. 

The all-inclusive NASDAQ OMX Green Economy Index (Nasdaq: QGREEN) is comprised of over 350 securities from 13 distinct sectors from a universe of over 460 companies. Indexes tracking each sector and region of the Green Economy Index will be launched in the coming weeks.

Companies for the entire Green Economy Index Family are selected by Rona Fried, Ph.D., CEO of, LLC.  Online since 1996, is known throughout the industry for its deep knowledge and long-term coverage of green companies and the evolution towards a greener economy.

The Green Economy Index covers the entire green economic landscape. The index acts as a benchmark for green stock performance of stocks in the following sectors: advanced materials; biofuels; energy efficiency; green building; healthy living; natural resources; pollution mitigation; recycling; renewable energy generation; transportation and water.

"Through the NASDAQ OMX Green Economy index, investors will be able to get exposure to all the companies worldwide that stand to benefit from a societal transition toward a green economy. While most green-oriented indexes focus on clean technologies and renewable energy, the Green Economy Index is designed to capture the broadest universe of companies, including natural resources, healthy living, green building and efficient lighting, smart grid, green IT and water," notes Rona Fried, Ph.D., CEO of

Four versions of the NASDAQ OMX Green Economy Index began calculating on September 22, 2010: Price Return (Nasdaq:QGREEN); Total Return (Nasdaq:QGREENX); a Capped Price Return (Nasdaq:QGREENCP4); and a Capped Total Return (Nasdaq:QGREENCP4X).

For more information about NASDAQ OMX’s Green Economy Index Family and the upcoming Green Economy Sector indexes, visit [sorry this link is no longer available].

For information about the components and weights of the NASDAQ OMX Green Economy Index, visit NASDAQ OMX Global Index Watch.

About NASDAQ OMX Global Index Group

NASDAQ OMX Global Index Group is engaged in the design, development, calculation, licensing, and marketing of NASDAQ OMX Indexes. NASDAQ OMX Global Index Group specializes in the development of indexes focusing on NASDAQ OMX’s brand themes of innovation, technology, growth, and globalization. NASDAQ OMX Global Index Group also provides custom index services and design solutions as a third-party provider to selected financial organizations.

The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc. is the world’s largest exchange company. It delivers trading, exchange technology and public company services across six continents, with more than 3,600 listed companies. [sorry this link is no longer available]

About LLC, provides global news and networking services to help green business grow. Known as the "voice of green business" on the Web, the site covers green business from all angles: news, green jobs, green investing services on both the public and private equity sides, and networking for green businesses.

Visitors benefit from the website’s Daily Green Business and Daily Green Investor News, its leading Green Dream Jobs service, the green portfolio investment newsletter, Progressive Investor; and matching services for green businesses that seek capital and partners.

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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