Greenpeace Report Challenges Canada’s Need for Dirty Fuels

Published on: September 10, 2010

Greenpeace today released a comprehensive analysis of Canada’s energy potential that challenges the need for dirty oil from the tar sands. The report states that Canada can create tens of thousands of green jobs, while providing over 90% of the country’s electricity and heating needs from renewable sources by 2050.

The  report was prepared by Greenpeace and the European Renewable Energy Council (EREC). It shows that:

  • Low-impact renewable energy can supply 96% of electricity and 92% of Canada’s total heating needs by 2050
  • Renewable sources of energy would rise from 15% of Canada’s primary energy demand today, to 25% by 2020 and 74% by 2050
  • Primary energy demand would drop by 50% through aggressive energy efficiency measures and reliance on wind, sun and other cost-free fuels
  • The market for the dirty oil of the tar sands could be eliminated through a global scenario of investments in public transit, more efficient vehicles and a rapid shift to electric vehicles that would reduce the world’s demand for oil by 25% by 2030 and 66% by 2050
  • About 77,000 jobs would be created in Canada in the renewables sector alone by 2030, as part of a global expansion of 12 million jobs
  • Energy-related greenhouse gas emissions in Canada would drop by 21% by 2020, and by 95% by 2050
  • Canada would cut its greenhouse gas emissions to the levels international scientists say would protect people from the catastrophic climate change now threatening millions

“Greenpeace worked with energy experts to show how Canada can break its
addiction to dirty tar sands oil, coal and gas and save consumers $5.3
billion a year by investing in renewable energy and energy efficiency,”
said Keith Stewart, Greenpeace climate and energy campaigner. “We
challenge the oil industry and governments to lay out their plan for
protecting Canadians from climate change and rising costs for fossil
fuels. It’s past time for this debate.”

The report, "Energy [R]evolution: A Sustainable Energy Outlook for Canada," is available at the link below.

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