DOE Announces Unprecedented Funding For Hydrokinetic Power Research

Published on: September 10, 2010

The U.S. Department of Energy announced selections for more than $37 million in funding to accelerate the technological and commercial readiness of emerging marine and hydrokinetic (MHK) technologies, which seek to generate renewable electricity from the nation’s oceans and free-flowing rivers and streams.

The 27 projects range from concept studies and component design research to prototype development and in-water device testing. This level of federal funding is unprecedented for marine and hydrokinetic energy technologies.

"This funding represents the largest single investment of federal funding to date in the development of marine and hydrokinetic energy technologies," said Secretary Chu. "These innovative projects will help grow water power’s contribution to America’s clean energy economy."

Some of the projects selected today include:

Ocean Power Technologies, Inc. (Pennington, New Jersey) will deploy a full-scale 150 kilowatt PowerBuoy system in the Oregon Territorial Sea and collect two years of detailed operating data. This project will obtain critical technical and cost performance data for one of the most advanced wave energy converters in the U.S. DOE Funding: $2,400,000. Total Project Value: $4,800,000.

Ocean Renewable Power Company (Portland, Maine) will build, install, operate, and monitor a commercial-scale array of five grid-connected TidGen TM Project devices on the sea floor in Cobscook Bay off Eastport, Maine in two phases over three years. The project will advance ORPC’s cross-flow turbine tidal energy technology, producing a full-scale, grid-connected energy system and will gather critical technical and cost performance data for one of the most advanced tidal energy systems in the U.S. The completed project will comprise an array of interconnected TidGenT hydrokinetic energy conversion devices, associated power electronics, and interconnection equipment into a system fully capable of commercial operation in moderate to high velocity tidal currents in water depths of up to 150 feet. The project will significantly advance the technical, operational and environmental goals of the tidal energy industry at large. DOE Funding: $10,000,000. Total Project Value: $21,100,000.

Public Utility District No.1 of Snohomish County (Everett, Washington) will deploy, operate, monitor, and evaluate two 10-meter diameter Open-Centre Turbines, developed and manufactured by OpenHydro Group Ltd, in Admiralty Inlet of Puget Sound. The project is expected to generate 1 megawatt (MW) of electrical energy during periods of peak tidal currents with an average energy output of approximately 100 kilowatts (kW). This full-scale, grid-connected tidal turbine system will gather critical technical and cost performance data for one of the most advanced tidal turbine projects in the U.S. DOE Funding: $10,000,000. Total Project Value: $20,100,000.

View the full list of projects at the link below.

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Comments on “DOE Announces Unprecedented Funding For Hydrokinetic Power Research”

  1. Harminder Singh

    I am scientist in the TERI, New Delhi Now a days I have developed a concept note on Power Generation through Kinetic Energy available in the major rivers and canals.
    To standardize the technology some scientific research work is required for which we are searching for funding agencies. If you are interested we may undertake such kind of research in India with your financial support.


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