Colorado, Hawaii, Maryland, New York Have Top 5 Energy-Efficiency Programs

Published on: September 16, 2010

The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) announced the first-ever awards initiative for exceptional state-led energy efficiency programs. A total of 18 top programs from 14 states are being recognized by ACEEE.

The top five award winning programs are:

  • Colorado Governor’s Energy Office: Colorado ENERGY STAR New Homes Program
  • New York State Energy Research and Development Authority: Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Demonstration Program
  • New York State Energy Research and Development Authority: Wastewater Efficiency Program:
  • Hawaii Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism: Lead by Example Program
  • Maryland Energy Administration: Maryland Statewide Farm Energy Audit Program

The panel also selected 10 programs for honorable mentions, and three "emerging" programs.

ACEEE accepted nominations from programs administered by state institutions and an expert panel then examined the field of nominations. The five winners come from different regions of the country and represent exemplary models for energy efficiency program implementation. The programs reach broadly across the economy including residential, commercial, institutional, industrial, agricultural, and transportation sectors.

David Terry, Executive Director, National Association of State Energy Offices, said: "Energy efficiency efforts are thriving at the state level in ways that most people may not be aware of today. The program winners demonstrate how state governments can implement successful, cost-effective energy efficiency programs aimed at a variety of customer types."

Michael Sciortino, lead author of the national report at ACEEE, stated: "As new funding sources become available to states through the Recovery Act, regional cap-and-trade initiatives, and other state and federal sources, state governments are stepping forward to take on important responsibilities implementing energy efficiency programs. Our report highlights programs recently developed with these new sources of funding as well as many well-established programs that have been saving energy costs for consumers for decades."

In addition to the top five recognized programs, ACEEE also drew attention to programs in Alaska, Connecticut, South Carolina and Washington State, among others.

To read the full ACEEE report and to review the complete listing of the state energy efficiency programs in all three award categories, go to the link below.

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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