Biggest Dam Removal In U.S. History Underway

Published on: September 15, 2010

The largest dam removal project in U.S. History is undeway in Olympic National Park in Washington State.

Two dams on the Elwha river, constructed 100 years ago without fish ladders, are being taken out to restore roughly 70 miles of river and stream habitat for wild salmon. 

Tom Banse of OPB News filed a radio report on the efforts, stating that salmon still come to the base of the lower dam after all these years and swim about aimlessly with no route to move farther inland. 

Removal of the dams has been under consideration since 1986, when the Lower Elwha Klallam Indian tribe first challenged the relicensing of 210-foot tall Glines Canyon Dam and the 108-foot tall Elwha Dam. 

You can listen to the report or read the transcript at the link below.

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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