Samsung, Nanosys Link Up on Thin-Film Solar, LEDs

Published on: August 11, 2010

California-based Nanosys, Inc., a company involved in the development of advanced materials, and Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (SSNLF.PK) announced a strategic alliance and licensing arrangement to accelerate the development of commercial applications of "nano-architected materials" for the electronics and thin film solar markets.

Under the terms of the deal, Samsung Electronics will contribute funding and resources to co-develop products using Nanosys technologies, in addition to $15 million equity investment from the affiliated Samsung Venture Investment Corporation.

Samsung and Nanosys will work together to create a new generation of
cost effective, higher-efficiency products in the fields of solar, LED,
memory, semiconductor, and display.

In addition to Samsung’s $15 million, previous investors are expected to contributeat least an additional $10 million, Nanosys said in a release. Those investors include Arch Venture Partners, El Dorado Ventures, Polaris Venture Capital and V enrock.

Xconomy published a profile of Nanosys and the company’s CEO Jason Hartlove last month. It is available at the link below.

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