NYC Gets New Recycling Laws

Published on: August 19, 2010

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg signed 11 new laws on Monday, updating the city’s 21-year-old recycling practices.

Under the new laws, all rigid plastic containers, including yogurt and take-out containers will also now be recyclable, not just PET and high density polyethylene containers (plastics #1, #2) previously collected.

300 new recycling bins will be added on the streets, and new programs include annual household hazardous waste collections, a clothing and textile recycling program, a trial paint recycling effort, and more composting.

Other new initiatives include:

  • Requiring city agencies to establish sustainability coordinators and  implement plans to expand recycling.
  • Requiring schools to designate a recycling coordinator and provide recycling receptacles in each classroom and at other locations.
  • Improving recycling education, enforcement, and fine increases.
  • Requiring the Department of Sanitation to establish leaf and yard waste composting facilities in all boroughs where the Department provides yard waste compost collection.
  • Requiring a report to study ways to improve food waste composting in New York City.

In Related News…

Within three years, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey hopes to have five wind towers, each more than 280 feet tall, operating on the west side of New York Harbor.

According to a New York Times story, these are just a few of the wind turbines that are expected to sprout around the city.  Read the full article at the link below.

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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