Gamesa To Keep Offshore Wind Initiatives In-House

Published on: August 5, 2010

Global wind turbine company Gamesa (GAM.MC) announced that it will rely on in-house resources to develop near- and mid-term strategy for the offshore wind market. 

The company’s Board of Directors ended negotiations with German engineering firm Bard. The two companies began collaboration talks at the end of February.

With more than 18,000 megawatts (MW) installed in 20 countries of 4 continents, Gamesa already has a worldwide commercial presence for land-based wind turbines. Bard is a pioneer in offshore wind turbine designs.

However, during the course of negotiations and detailed study of the potential transaction both companies found "significant discrepancy in the terms of the deal," according to a Gamesa release.

Gamesa said it will continue to pursue its offshore strategy outlined in October 2009, which aims for a significant role in the offshore market in the medium and long term. Gamesa wants to capitalize on demand in the Northern European market, specifically the United Kingdom, beginning in 2015.   

Using its multi-megawatt turbine technology, Gamesa said it is currently at work to develop two families of offshore wind turbines. Pre-series of these turbines, which will each have capacity of either 5 megawatts (MW) or 6/7 MW, are slated for launch in 2013 and 2015, respectively.  

Both systems address the key concerns currently dominating the market: the efficiency of civil engineering (the No. 1 cost component of investment in offshore wind), wind turbine reliability, grid code compliance, low maintenance needs and minimising the cost of electricity generation.      

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