EPA, DOT Propose New Eco-Labeling for Vehicles

Published on: August 31, 2010

As a new generation of cars and light trucks start appearing on the market, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are jointly proposing changes to the fuel economy labels consumers see on the window of every new vehicle in dealer showrooms.

The goal of the new fuel economy labels is to provide consumers with
simple, straightforward energy and environmental comparisons across all
types of vehicles, including electric vehicles (EV), plug-in hybrid
electric vehicles (PHEV), and conventional gasoline-powered vehicles.

EPA and DOT are proposing two new label designs for comment. One label
design prominently features a letter grade to communicate the vehicle’s
overall fuel economy and greenhouse gas emissions performance. The new
design will also provide consumers with an estimate of the expected fuel
cost savings over five years compared to an average gasoline-powered
vehicle of the same model year.

The second proposed label retains the current label’s focus on miles per
gallon (MPG) and annual fuel costs, while updating the overall design
and adding the new comparison information on fuel economy and

Both proposed label designs expand on the content of the current label
by including new information on fuel consumption, tailpipe carbon
dioxide (CO2) emissions and smog-related emissions. The new labels would
provide information on a new web-based interactive tool that can also
be accessed by smart phone. This tool would allow consumers to
personalize the information about a vehicle’s performance.

For EVs and PHEVs, the agencies are proposing to show energy use by
translating electricity consumption into miles per gallon equivalent.
The proposed label designs for EVs also include energy use expressed in
terms of kilowatt-hours per 100 miles.

DOT and EPA encourage public feedback on all aspects of the proposal,
including which designs or design features would best help consumers
compare fuel economy, fuel costs, and environmental impacts of different
vehicles and across different vehicle technologies.

The agencies are proposing that the label only present information on
vehicle tailpipe emissions. Upstream emissions, which are associated
with electricity generation or refining fuel, would not be displayed on
the label. EPA and DOT propose to develop a website to provide consumers
additional information on non-tailpipe emissions, while taking comment
on other approaches to provide consumer information about lifecycle
emissions across various vehicle fuels and technologies. The agencies
are aiming to complete the rule in time to allow the new label to appear
on the windows of as many 2012 model year vehicles as possible.

The proposed rule seeks public comment on label design options and related issues. The public can view the proposed rule and labels here and submit comments as part of the rulemaking process via email to: newlabels@epa.gov.

“We are asking the American people to tell us what they need to make the best economic and environmental decisions when buying a new car,” said EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson. “New fuel economy labels will keep pace with the new generation of fuel efficient cars and trucks rolling off the line, and provide simple, straightforward updates to inform consumers about their choices in a rapidly changing market. We want to help buyers find vehicles that meet their needs, keep the air clean and save them money at the pump.”

DOT and EPA are providing a 60-day public comment period that begins with the proposal’s publication in the Federal Register.

Read additional coverage at the link below.

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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