Xcel Fires Up Hybrid Solar-Coal Plant

Published on: July 2, 2010

Xcel Energy (NYSE: XEL) is now operating a first-of-its-kind demonstration of a hybrid solar-coal power geneartion, using parabolic-trough solar technology integrated with a coal-fired power plant.

The project, located at Xcel Energy’s Cameo Generating Station near Grand Junction, Colo., is designed to increase the plant’s efficiency, decrease the use of coal, test the commercial viability of concentrating solar power thermal integration, and lower carbon dioxide emissions. Abengoa Solar, a unit of Abengoa (ABC.MC) developed the parabolic-trough technology, which concentrates solar energy to provide heat for producing supplemental steam for electric power production.

Kent Larson, vice president and chief energy supply officer for Xcel Energy, said "If this project produces the successful results we expect, this type of solar thermal integration will help move the use of solar energy one step closer to being a potential technology for improving the environmental performance of coal-fired power plants for Xcel Energy and for utilities around the country."

The project is the first under Xcel Energy’s new Innovative Clean Technology (ICT) Program, an initiative to test promising new technologies with potential to lower greenhouse gas emissions and result in other environmental improvements.

NextEra Energy (NYSE: NEE), formerly the FPL Group, is developing a large hybrid solar-natural gas power plant in Florida.

The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) is studying hybrid solar-coal power plants at locations in New Mexico and North Carolina with utility partners Tri-State Generation & Transmission Association, Inc., Progress Energy (NYSE: PGN) and Southern Company (NYSE: SO).

Website: http://www.xcelenergy.com     
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