Urgent Action Alert: Energy Bill

Published on: July 21, 2010

We knew cap and trade would never make it into the Energy Bill, but the saving grace was that the Renewable Electricity Standard (RES) would surely make it through.

Now, the RES is also left out of the bill!

Even in the face of the Gulf Oil disaster, a decent energy bill can’t pass the Senate because of Republican filibuster. They are just a few votes shy of 60, but that’s all, folks, the end. 

Let’s not give up our RES without a last ditch effort to let Harry Reid know how important it is to require utilities to source a percentage of their electricity from renewable energy sources. It means life or anemia to the industry.

Right now, the slimmed down bill is likely to include provisions to deal with the oil spill, energy efficiency upgrades for home appliances, measures to push the nation’s trucking fleet to use natural gas, and land/ water conservation.

Not a single Republican is willing to vote yes for a clean energy and climate bill that would revitalize our economy, increase U.S. energy security, reduce harmful carbon emissions, and bring us into the 21st century along with other world leaders, all of whom are building their clean energy arsenal. 

2010 is the warmest year on record after the warmest decade on record.

Please click here and tell your Senators you want an RES in the Spill Bill.  

You can also Tweet Harry Reid – [sorry this link is no longer available]

Read more on how this travesty happened:

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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Comments on “Urgent Action Alert: Energy Bill”

  1. Jay

    The ideas of the people will solve this if only the government will stop promissing to tax the snott out of anyone who’s ideas & business actually works, and get out of the way.
    That is why our economy has slowed to a crawl, evey speach has some comment to tax the snott out of any income of $200,000 plus. Thats every business of any size across the US. How can you plan your business when we are just now learning of the health care bill costs, needing to send out a 1099 for every account each year of $600, an ever looming tax on not just your energy costs but woven into the cost of everything you may need to operate with.
    Stop taxing business, it only becomes a cost passed on to consumers they end up paying. Tax all people so they understand what is being done to them anyway.


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