Maine, Nova Scotia To Cooperate on Ocean Energy Development

Published on: July 14, 2010

Maine Governor John E. Baldacci on Monday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Nova Scotia Premier Darrell Dexter to work cooperatively on renewable ocean electricity generation.

The MOU calls for Maine and Nova Scotia to share information on renewable electricity with a focus on ocean tidal energy and offshore wind energy and explore opportunities to bring together tidal energy academics, researchers, policy makers and private sector developers from the two jurisdictions.

Among objectives spelled out in the MOU, next year Maine and Nova Scotia
will host a Tidal Energy Symposium in Nova Scotia in conjunction with
the 35th Conference of the New England Governors and Eastern Canadian

The MOU was signed by the two leaders during the 34th Conference of the New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers being held in Lenox, Massachusetts. The Conference focused leaders on the issue of energy security, efficiency and supporting the development of renewable energy to benefit the region.

“Our close regional collaboration puts Maine in a better position to realize the promise of a stronger economy and cleaner environment,” said Governor Baldacci.

In January, the University of Maine received a $12.4 million grant from the U.S. Commerce Department’s National Institute of Standards and Technology for construction of its new deepwater offshore wind energy research and testing facility.

Maine is also home to Ocean Renewable Power Company, which is testing a unique tidal power turbine in waters off the coast.

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