Midwestern Governor's Races Will Affect Renewables, Climate Initiatives

Published on: June 7, 2010

Governor’s races in Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan and Illinois risk turning back progress on clean energy development in the Midwest, according to a story in the New York Times.

For example, Michigan governor Jennifer Granholm has taken major steps to revamp the state’s manufacturing sector for clean technology, while also steering clear of new coal-fired power generation. 

But with her two-terms coming to an end, some potential successors have vowed to do an about-face on these policies, according to the report. 

Of these six states, all but Minnesota currently have Democratic governors. But Democratic candidates are struggling in the polls–as job creation has so far trumped all other issues. 

If the region swings to Republican control, it could have a dire effect on climate change initiatives and renewable energy support. 

Read the full story at the link below.

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