EnerNOC To Expand Demand Response Capacity in California

Published on: June 7, 2010

EnerNOC, Inc. (NASDAQ: ENOC), a provider of energy management applications and services, announced that it will expand its network of commercial, institutional, and industrial customers in Northern California by 30 megawatts (MW).

EnerNOC already provides 40 MW of demand response capacity across the 70,000-square-mile service area that stretches from Eureka in the north to Bakersfield in the south.

When dispatched by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E)(NYSE: PCG), EnerNOC activates its network of commercial, institutional, and industrial energy customers to reduce electricity usage. Using DemandSMART™, customers can monitor their performance in real-time. In addition, EnerNOC says customers can use DemandSMART’s real-time energy monitoring features to identify additional energy savings opportunities.

Demand response systems offset the need to build new fossil-fuel burning peaking power plants or to make spot energy purchases from wholesale markets during times of peak demand. Participating sites receive two payment streams: a “capacity payment” simply for being on standby, ready to respond if a demand response event is called, and an “energy payment” based on how well they perform during an actual event.

The demand response (DR) industry is expected to begin a period of dramatic growth in 2013, according to a recent Pike Research report, which forecasts market growth from $1.4 billion in 2010 to $8.2 billion in 2020.

Danny Vincent of Guadalupe Cooling, an EnerNOC DemandSMART customer since 2008, said:  “Demand response requires a temporary adjustment of our operations, but it is well worth it. It’s good for our company, for our state, and for the environment. I only wish we had signed up earlier.”  Guadalupe Cooling’s cold storage facility in Guadalupe, CA receives approximately $35,000 in annual payments from EnerNOC.

Website: http://www.enernoc.com     
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