Amsolar, GCL Solar Commit to 20MW School Solar Program

Published on: June 24, 2010

Amsolar Corporation and global renewable energy investor GCL Solar Energy announced a commitment to develop solar projects at schools throughout the United States.

Under a Program Agreement signed this month, GCL Solar Energy intends to fund 20 megawatts (MW) of Amsolar’s solar energy projects, enabling more campuses across the country to be powered by solar power.

The parties are actively working with public school districts, as well as private educational institutions throughout the United States. Together, the companies will collectively develop solar power plants under long-term power purchase agreements. This model will allow schools to implement solar energy programs without making an up-front investment themselves.

The first project funded under this partnership is a 1.2-MW solar energy system at the University of San Diego, which will break ground later this month.

"We created Amsolar in an effort to bring more solar power to more educational institutions in the United States. Our growing pipeline of projects and this announcement with GCL speak to Amsolar’s ability to understand the marketplace and develop customized solutions that resonate with school leaders nationally," said Joshua Weinstein, Amsolar’s managing partner.

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