NAS Releases Three Climate Change Reports

Published on: May 19, 2010

The National Academy of Sciences released three reports today that reconfirm climate change science is on solid footing, and offer recommendations for addressing and adapting to global warming.

The first report focused on the evidence for and the causes of climate change. After reviewing the scientific data, the NAS panel that produced this report concluded that climate change is occurring, is caused largely by such human activities as burning fossil fuels and destroying rainforests, and poses a significant threat to public health and the environment.

“I’m not at all surprised the NAS panel reviewing climate science reached that conclusion,” said James McCarthy, a biological oceanography professor at Harvard University. “This report should put to rest the unfounded contrary assertions advanced by special interests and help clarify the fact that our nation’s most distinguished scientists are unified in their support of this core message: Man-made climate change is real and we need to address it now.”

The second report is focused on how best to address the problem. The report urged the United States to significantly reduce global warming emissions because of the severe risks associated with climate change.

And the third report, on adaptation, calls for a national strategy to prepare for changes to the climate that are now unavoidable. It recommends that the federal government provide technical and scientific information to state and local governments, as well as the public and the private sector, to enable them to adapt to a range of likely scenarios, including more extreme weather events, floods and droughts.

The scientific community considers an NAS report, backed by the nation’s
foremost scientists and leading experts, as a critical source of
authoritative information. “NAS panels study a problem from many angles,
include the highest level of relevant expertise, and have their work
carefully assessed by peer reviewers,” said Peter Frumhoff,
director of science and policy for the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS). “They are deservedly a premier source of
influential scientific guidance.”  

The UCS said these reports should prod
Congress to take action this session to dramatically reduce the
emissions that are radically altering the world’s climate.

“This report should light a fire under Congress,” said Frumhoff.
“Lawmakers should stop dragging their feet, pay attention to the
science, and pass a bill this session.”

The reports are avalaible here.

In Related News…

The compromise climate change proposal unveiled last week in the Senate is in legislative limbo, its fate apparently uncertain until at least next month.

Read Reuters coverage at the link below.

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