Capstone Turbine Collaborating on Hybrid Truck and DOE Program

Published on: May 25, 2010

Capstone Turbine Corporation (Nasdaq: CPST) announced it is working with trucking company US 1 Industries (OTCBB:USOO) and CalMotors to install a microturbine in a tractor-trailer truck to power an electric drive system.

The truck will be tested in service at the Port of Los Angeles and in an area within 30 to 50 miles of the port.

The truck initially will operate on 100% battery power in
zero-emissions mode. Then, when the batteries reach a pre-determined
state of discharge, the microturbine will recharge the batteries on the fly to extend the driving

Capstone’s microturbines can run on diesel, bio-diesel, propane and
natural gas. 

This recharging system is similar to the one being used in General Motor’s Chevy Volt electric vehicle, which will recharge battery packs with a small gasoline engine.

CalMotors CEO Mike Kasab said the Capstone turbine is well suited for the heavy-truck application, because of its low-emissions profile, high efficiency and low vibration and noise levels.

Capstone has already tested its microturbines in similar applications for buses, cars and boats.

Last week the Obama Administration set in motion the process for setting higher fuel-economy standards for medium- and heavy-duty trucks, thus creating greater impetus for hybrid solutions such as this.

US 1 and Capstone will gather data from the prototype truck for several months, then plan to install similar systems in additional US 1 trucks.

DOE Grant

In a separate release, Capstone Turbine Corporation announced its participation in a US Department of Energy (DOE) program to develop a more efficient microturbine Combined Heat and Power (CHP) system. 

Part of the improved efficiency will come from a revolutionary microturbine design, with a projected electrical efficiency of 42% and power output of 370kW.

The new microturbine design will be combined with an integrated heat recovery system to provide a total system efficiency of 85%.

The two year DOE program will total almost $17 million, with the DOE supporting the program with $5 million in funding.

Capstone is the prime contractor for this program and will rely on support from Oak Ridge National Laboratories and NASA.

Darren Jamison, Capstone President and CEO said the program will lead to the company’s next generation product and accelerate market adoption.

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