Senate Climate Bill Update: Analysis to Begin

Published on: April 28, 2010

Senator John Kerry said the EPA will begin examining the climate change bill drafted through his work with Republican Lindsey Graham, despite the fact that Graham withdrew his support for the bill over the weekend.

Graham backed away from the bill, not because of its content, but rather, because he is opposed to a suggestion by majority leader Harry Reid that the Senate should take up immigration reform this year. 

Reid said on Monday, he is willing to bring a climate bill forward first, since no immigration bill currently exists. However, according to a Reuters story, Graham may not return his support to the climate bill unless immigration reform is taken off the table altogether. 

Dealing with immigration issues is expected to win favor for Democrats with hispanic voters in November’s mid-term elections.

In addition to the EPA’s analysis of the bill and its projected costs, the Congressional Budget Office also is likely to conduct an analysis, as well as the Energy Department’s Energy Information Administration.

Read additional coverage at the link below.

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