Seasonal Allergies Getting Worse From Climate Change

Published on: April 15, 2010

Spring allergies in the US are likely to worsen with global climate change, according to a new report. 

Currently, America’s 25 million
allergy sufferers already rack up $32 billion in direct medical costs
and lost work days.

Tree pollen is the most common trigger for spring hay fever allergies. With spring arriving 10 to 14 days earlier than it did just 20 years ago, pollination is starting sooner. And fall allergies, primarily caused by ragweed, are also getting worse.
Ragweed plants at today’s carbon dioxide levels likely produce about
twice as much pollen as they would have 100 years ago. The pollen
production rate could double again if we keep adding carbon dioxide to
the atmosphere.

New maps in the report show projected increases in habitat conducive to more allergenic trees. Nine states in the upper Midwest, lower Mississippi Valley, and Northeast are identified as hotspots for large increases in allergenic tree pollen if global warming pollution increases unabated. An additional seven states are at risk of moderate increases

  • State Hotspots at risk of high increases in allergenic tree pollen:
    Arkansas, Iowa, Maine, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania,
    Vermont and West Virginia.
  • State Hotspots at risk of moderate
    increases in allergenic tree pollen: Connecticut, Illinois, Kentucky,
    Massachusetts, Mississippi, Tennessee and Wisconsin.

“Climate change could allow highly allergenic trees like oaks and hickories to start replacing pines, spruces, and firs that generally don’t cause allergies, exposing many more people to springtime allergy triggers,” said Amanda Staudt, Ph.D., National Wildlife Federation climate scientist and lead author of the report.

Global warming is especially bad news for the millions of asthmatics in the United States whose asthma attacks are triggered by allergens. They will have to cope with more abundant and severe allergens plus likely increases in ground-level ozone pollution, particularly in urban areas. High ozone concentrations can trigger asthma symptoms and make bronchial airways less able to cope with allergens.

“We can’t afford for allergies and asthma to get worse,” said Mike Tringale, director of External Affairs, Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. “Allergies and asthma combined already affect about 50 million Americans and cost nearly $27 billion in medical costs and nearly $6 billion in lost productivity and earnings.”

The report warns that fungal spores, poison ivy and even allergic reactions to bee stings could be on the increase.

The report, "Extreme Allergies and Global Warming," is available as a pdf at the link below.

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