Satcon Receives 150MW Order from Chinese Solar Developer

Published on: April 9, 2010

Satcon Technology Corporation (NASDAQ CM: SATC) announced an order for 150 megawatts (MW) of its 500kW solar PV inverters from GCL Solar Limited, one of China’s largest utility solar power plant developers.

This deal marks the second phase of Satcon’s partnership with GCL that was established in 2009.

Satcon will begin supplying the inverters in April, with all deliveries scheduled for completion in October of 2010.

Satcon’s 500kW units will be used on multiple utility scale projects across China and will build on previous collaboration between the two companies, which includes the 3-MW and 20-MW power plants completed in December of 2009, China’s largest rooftop and ground mounted installations respectively.

“The foundation of China’s large scale photovoltaic industry has been firmly established over the past year and the market is now entering its next phase in both project sophistication and scale,” said Dr. Gu Huamin, General Manager of GCL Solar Limited.

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Comments on “Satcon Receives 150MW Order from Chinese Solar Developer”

  1. Phatang

    no factchecker, your name is a miemnosr, as usual liberal statistics are vague and misleading just because you decided to only count the ones listed under the 1705 program the DOE s 1705 loan program which doled out $16.1 billion to green energy companies, according to the Washington Post. Of the 33 companies that received 1705 loan guarantees, only three have declared bankruptcy doesnt mean the others arent valid and dont count, they do and the number of federally backed and funded companies is closer to 50 percent, this claim also doesnt count the ones in failure only the ones that have actually filed for bankruptcy, and as others have posted venture capital investment is a choice made by people with their discretionary extra money, not a forced expenditure by a unscrupulous administration seeking to fund its political doners at the expense of taxpayers. and this is only one example of the waste fraud and abuse by government, if you want to compare it to venture capital (which is still a bogus analogy) then include all of the governments waste fraud and abuse


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