Only 20% of Utility Supply Chain Measures Emissions

Published on: April 15, 2010

Only 20% of suppliers to the electric utility industry measure
their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and have established voluntary goals to reduce their
emissions, according to an industry survey.

In response, the Electric Utility
Industry Sustainable Supply Chain Alliance announced that it has developed a strategic plan calling for
voluntary, industry initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
in the supply

The plan’s proposed initiatives will focus first on reducing the
emissions related to the
supply chain operations of Alliance member companies and encouraging
more industry
suppliers to establish programs and goals to reduce GHG emissions.

The Alliance will
develop a baseline measurement for emissions of its members and best
practices aimed at
improving the energy efficiency of their supply chain operations. The
Alliance also will
track changes in the number of participating suppliers that establish
corporate GHG
reduction goals through an annual survey.

The Alliance’s conducted its first annual survey of more than 240 industry suppliers, in 2009, covering topics like environmental management, air emissions, energy use, water
use, and waste management.

“The survey, along with current market developments, has helped us better understand
the need to sharpen our focus on promoting initiatives, best practices and programs to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” said John Harper, the Alliance’s chairman. “These
new initiatives are consistent with our goal to work collaboratively with our suppliers to
identify opportunities to reduce our environmental impact and deliver tangible results.”

Founded in 2008, the Electric Utility Industry Sustainable Supply Chain
Alliance is a
registered 501(c)6 non-profit organization. Its members are investor
owned utilities. The
Alliance’s goal is to work with industry suppliers and other interested
parties to improve
environmental performance and advance sustainable business practices.

Complete survey results are available on the Alliance’s Web site at the link below. 

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