NYSE Buys 100% Wind Power

Published on: April 1, 2010

The New York Stock Exchange, a unit of NYSE Euronext (NYSE: NYX), signed an agreement to purchase green electricity equivalent to the 28 million kilowatt-hours of electricity used annually by
the exchange.

Constellation Energy (NYSE: CEG) made the announcement that its subsidiary,
Constellation NewEnergy, Inc., will provide renewable energy certificates (RECs) for 100% of the
electricity consumption.

Financial terms were not disclosed.

The RECs
are Green-e Energy certified from wind energy facilities which are
granted certificates for every megawatt hour of emission-free renewable
electricity produced. The RECs purchased by the New York Stock Exchange
over the two-year term of the agreement will result in more than 57
million pounds of avoided carbon dioxide emissions due to the
displacement of grid electricity generation by renewable energy.

“By supporting renewable energy development and greening its operations,
the New York Stock Exchange is setting an example that corporations can
and should pursue sustainable business practices,” said Michael Kagan,
president of Constellation NewEnergy. “Purchasing renewable energy
certificates is a way that businesses and institutions can very easily
meet internal and external environmental mandates.”

The agreement between Constellation NewEnergy and the New York Stock Exchange was facilitated by Co-eXprise, Inc, an energy consulting firm.

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