Major League Baseball To Collect Environmental Statistics on Stadium Operations

Published on: April 15, 2010

Major League Baseball is developing, in collaboration with the
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), a software
system to collect and analyze stadium operations data to develop and
distribute environmental best practice information across the 30 Clubs.

Data collection will cover energy consumption, waste management and
recycling, water consumption and paper usage. Clubs will be able to
input their monthly numbers in a variety of subcategories within each
area, which will then be analyzed in order to share best practices
across the League.

"Baseball is a game of statistics and the League’s commitment to
systematically document and measure environmental practices of all Clubs
at all stadiums underscores the leadership and commitment of MLB to
make environmental progress. All professional leagues should follow this
important example," said Dr. Allen Hershkowitz, Senior Scientist,
Natural Resources Defense

In addition, the League said it will host a variety of greening events and incorporate environmental initiatives into their games throughout the season to recognize the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day on April 22.

"Major League Baseball has responsibilities to our fans and society at large that go beyond the playing field," said Baseball Commissioner, Allan H. (Bud) Selig. "Our Clubs have made a commitment to sustainability and are leaders in their communities raising awareness and educating fans not just on Earth Day, but everyday about environmental stewardship."

Major League Baseball began working with the NRDC in 2006 to identify and promote better environmental practices. The efforts have included purchasing renewable energy credits, fan education, recycling with MLB Green Teams, building playgrounds from recycled materials, eco-friendly community activities and prioritizing environmental attributes when selecting paper and hospitality items.

The collaboration also led to the creation of web-based software tools tailored to each MLB Club featuring advice and resources for every aspect of a Club’s operations. The program offers specific local advice concerning such topics as energy use, purchasing, concession operations, water use, recycling and transportation.

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