Federal Policies Needed for Sustainable Biomass Energy

Published on: April 6, 2010

The vast potential of plant-based energy sources to create biomass jobs, curb global warming and protect wildlife could be a reality in the United States–but not without changes in federal policies that have created an unsustainable first generation of biofuels, according to a new report released by the National Wildlife Federation.

Harvesting plant-based crops to produce energy to power cars, homes, businesses and communities–so-called bioenergy–has long been recognized as an important strategy for helping the nation transition away from fossil fuels and toward an economy based on clean, renewable sources of energy.

“Successful, sustainable bioenergy projects have started to take root in the United States, yet are not being adequately supported by current federal policies,” said Julie Sibbing, director of Global Warming, Agriculture and Wildlife at the National Wildlife Federation. “This report underscores the urgent need for the U.S. Congress and Obama Administration to enact solutions that support domestic plant-based energy sources that create jobs, enhance national security, protect wildlife and curb global warming pollution.”

Biomass already produces 15 times more renewable energy for the United States than wind and solar combined -mostly from wood waste used at paper mills. It holds the promise for creating heat, electricity and fuel from a variety of sources. Perennial grasses grown on marginal lands, studies suggest, can produce far more energy per acre than existing grain crops–with fewer expensive up-front costs, leading to improved farmer income.

The report sets out several visions for what a sustainable bioenergy future might look like, highlighting successful biomass businesses that are producing energy for schools, colleges, hospitals, and prisons using native grasses, wood waste, and even forest debris from Hurricane Rita.

The transition from first-generation biofuels to more sustainable plant-based energy sources will only happen, according to the report, by enacting federal policies that:

  • Remove subsidies for inefficient bioenergy practices that place new, more efficient and sustainable practices at an economic disadvantage
  • Establish standards that ensure that bioenergy sources do not contribute to environmental degradation and exacerbate global warming
  • Establish incentives that reward practices that most effectively combat global warming in a sustainable manner.

Growing a Green Energy Future: A primer and Vision for Sustainable Biomass Energy” recommends federal policies that ensure bioenergy strategies help address global warming; maintain economic vitality; protect native habitats and biodiversity; assure sustainable harvests; prevent crops from becoming invasive; preserve water resources; protect water quality and uphold soil quality.

In Related News…

USDA Farm Service Agency Administrator Jonathan Coppess said Monday that biomass producers, energy facilities and communities are benefitting from USDA’s Biomass Crop Assistance Program (BCAP). Through April 2, 2010, USDA has approved 4,605 agreements for the delivery of more than 4.18 million tons of biomass and paid eligible biomass owners $165,274,695 in matching payments under BCAP’s first phase.

(BCAP is one of the policies supported by the National Wildlife Federation in the report above.)

BCAP authorized USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) to help those who own biomass by providing matching payments for the collection, harvest, storage and transportation of eligible biomass delivered to approved facilities to convert it to biofuels. FSA service centers across the country have issued payments of up to $45 per dry ton for eligible biomass deliveries. Biomass is any organic matter that is available on a renewable or recurring basis including: agricultural commodities, plants, trees, algae, and other animal, vegetative and wood waste materials.

"Congress directed USDA to establish a program to encourage farmers and forest landowners to help develop the biomass supply chain and accelerate energy independence, rural economic development and renewable sources of energy," said Coppess. "Since we issued initial guidance last June, BCAP has gathered momentum and our efforts to expedite matching payments provided valuable, real-world information and experiences that will inform the crafting of the final regulation, as well as some much-needed economic stimulus in many rural areas.

The proposed rule to implement the full BCAP was announced in early February 2010, with a 60-day public comment period ending April 9, 2010. After reviewing the comments, FSA will issue a final rule for the BCAP program this year.

"The final rule will unleash the full potential of the BCAP program to encourage on-the-ground innovation through new crops and new economic development for farmers and rural communities," Coppess said.

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