Energy Efficiency Report: Families Could Save $1,300 a Year

Published on: April 2, 2010

American families could save almost $1,300 every year on their energy bills by 2030 if the government invests in the energy efficiency of buildings today, according to a new report by Environment America. Reducing energy consumption in buildings would also reduce projected greenhouse gas emissions by 37%.

The National Academy of Sciences estimates that widespread use of
today’s technology would increase energy efficiency by up to 30%
in existing buildings by 2030, and with the rapid march of technological
innovation and increased investment in efficiency from governments and
consumers, much bigger gains are possible.

The report, "Building Better: How High-Efficiency Buildings Will Save
Money and Reduce Global Warming," analyzes the benefits America would see
if we committed to dramatically improving the energy efficiency of new
and existing buildings. The report uses government data to estimate
reduced energy consumption, decreased fossil fuel use, money saved on
energy bills, and global warming pollution prevented in 2030 and 2050.

“Let’s not waste any more time, any more energy, or any more money on outdated buildings,” said Rob Sargent, Environment America’s Energy Program Director. “We need to invest in efficiency today so we can start building a better tomorrow.”

America’s buildings consume more than 40% of our total energy, which amounts to almost 10% of all the energy used in the world. Much of this energy is wasted due to inadequate insulation, inefficient heating and cooling systems, and poor construction techniques.

Making our buildings more efficient would reduce the projected energy use of America’s buildings 36% by 2030. That would conserve enough energy every year to power 235 million homes.

These enormous energy savings translate directly into financial savings in the form of reduced energy bills. The average family of four can expect to save almost $1,300 a year by 2030, which is 35% lower than what they would be paying without the improvements in building efficiency.

“That’s the best part about making energy efficiency improvements,” said Sargent. “They pay for themselves as consumers enjoy lower energy bills and a cleaner environment year after year.”

Reduced energy consumption would also prevent the emission of 985 million tons of global warming pollution every year by 2030, which is equivalent to taking almost 180 million cars off the road.

Programs to promote more efficient buildings are popping up all over the country. More than a dozen states have updated their building codes since the start of 2009, and more than 20 others are currently in the process of doing so. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act provided $16 billion for efficiency-boosting retrofit and weatherization programs, and Congress is now considering major initiatives like HOME STAR and Building STAR that would provide financial incentives for efficiency improvements in residential and commercial buildings.

Environment America is calling for policies including:

  • Steady improvements to building codes over time so that all new buildings are increasingly efficient, culminating in a zero net energy standard by 2030. This means that in 20 years, every new building that is constructed will be so efficient that it can produce all the power it needs right onsite from renewable sources like solar panels or wind turbines.
  • Investing in energy retrofits and weatherization to improve the efficiency of existing buildings 30% by 2030.
  • Supporting innovative financing mechanisms that will unleash public and private investment in building efficiency.

The full report is available at the link below.

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