Earth Day Round Up

Published on: April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day! Here is a summary of some big events and announcements.

Washington D.C.

Environmental groups from around the world will assemble in front of the Capitol today at 1 p.m. in an event being called the Citizens’ Climate Congress. The group is demanding immediate action from US leaders to deal with climate change. 

"Our number one demand will be for President Obama to take immediate steps to ensure that misinformed Americans become informed about climate change and the importance of acting now in order to preserve a livable climate for us and generations to come," the group says on the Earth Day Network website.

President Obama issued a statement commemorating Earth Day, before heading to New York to push for regulatory overhaul of the financial sector. Meanwhile, administration big-wigs will be spread among numerous Earth Day events. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar will speak during the 40th anniversary festivities on the National Mall, along with Education Secretary Arne Duncan and White House Council on Environmental Quality Chair Nancy Sutley. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis will host a webchat and her department will issue a report detailing training opportunities. And EPA administrator Lisa Jackson will appear on the David Letterman Show, after participating in a community service project in Manhattan with Green For All.

The U.S. Navy will demonstrate the ‘Green Hornet’, an F/A-18 fighter jet powered by a 50/50 biofuel blend at Naval Air Station in Patuxent River, Maryland. (National Geographic reporting)

New York City

Mayor Michael Bloomberg released the PlaNYC Progress Report 2010 detailing the achievements made since the launch of the City’s long-term plan for greening the city.

According to the report, 57% of the 2009 interim milestones have been achieved or mostly achieved. Significant progress has been made on many of the initiatives that did not completely achieve their 2009 interim milestone, providing benefits for New Yorkers as the City continues to work to meet its interim milestones.

For example, while the City didn’t meet its goal of constructing 240 Greenstreets by December 2009, 224 were completed. The report includes detailed information on the progress made on each of the initiatives and discusses the obstacles experienced in implementing the Plan.


Mayor Gavin Newsom introduced a new online tool for mapping the city’s trees. Developed by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, the Urban Forest Map.

Anyone with a web browser can add information about specific trees to the Urban Forest Map, such as their location, species, size, and health. That data can then be used by urban foresters and city planners to better manage trees in specific areas, track and combat tree pests and diseases, and plan future tree plantings.

San Francisco is the first city to use the Urban Forest Map, but others are expected to follow. “Million Tree” campaigns are taking-off around the nation, and this tool enables information sharing capabilities to these groups.

Further to the south, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger visited green building materials company Serious Materials on Wednesday, and announced the signing of SB 77 to establish the California statewide Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Reserve Program. 

SB 77 creates another financing option for commercial and residential property owners to make energy improvements, such as replacing single and dual pane windows with high R-value windows, using bonds and/or loans that can be repaid through assessments added to their property tax bill. The legislation establishes a state-financed reserve, through the California Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority, of up to $30 million from the Renewable Resources Trust Fund to implement the PACE Reserve Program.

Is Earth Day a Sell Out?

And finally, the New York Times published an article questioning whether or not Earth Day has become a Halmark holiday like Valentines or Mother’s Day. 

Read the story:

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