DOE Announces $200M for Solar, Water Power

Published on: April 23, 2010

The US Department of Energy announced yesterday it will invest more than $200 million over five years to expand and accelerate the development, commercialization, and use of solar and water power technologies throughout the United States.

Energy Secretary Steven Chu said the funding will help expand US clean-energy manufacturing, while increasing national security, and accelerating renewable energy jobs development.

The investments include:

Photovoltaic Manufacturing Initiative – up to $125 million over five years
The Department will invest in manufacturing-focused research projects that will have near and mid-term impact on the U.S. solar industry and will catalyze greater cooperation within the industry. Funding will be available for applicants in two topic areas: University-Focused Development and Industry-Focused Development. Both topics will consider collaborative research models to accelerate manufacturing-related technologies and provide maximum leverage to federal funding.

This funding opportunity requires that each applicant organization submit a concept paper in addition to standard application materials. Concept papers are due June 3, 2010 with full applications due in early August.

Photovoltaic Supply Chain Development – up to $40 million over three years
This funding is focused on identifying and accelerating unique products or processes for the photovoltaic manufacturing supply chain that will have a major impact on the industry. The projects will help meet the Department’s goal of achieving cost-competitive solar PV systems compared with conventional forms of electricity, and accelerating and facilitating the widespread implementation of solar technology.

The Department is seeking projects focused on component and manufacturing technologies that show a strong potential to impact a substantial segment of the photovoltaic industry within two to five years. Examples include engineering lower cost coating materials, electrical components to improve performance, processes that reduce manufacturing waste, or equipment that dramatically improves manufacturing or installation speed.

The Department plans to select both large and small companies that can quickly develop new photovoltaic supply chain solutions. The Department anticipates that approximately $10-$15 million annually will be available to fund these PV supply chain projects. Applications are due July 2, 2010.

National Administrator of the Solar Instructor Training Network – up to $4.5 million over five years
This funding opportunity will select a National Administrator that will act as a central coordinating body for the Training Network. The Network was created in 2009, by the Department of Energy to establish high-quality, local and accessible training for personnel involved in the sales, design, installation, commissioning and inspection of solar photovoltaic and solar heating and cooling systems. Awards were made to nine regional resource and training providers.

The National Administrator will manage the collaboration of the Training Network members, disseminating their products and conducting other outreach efforts such as providing recommendations for the adoption of best practices. The selected organization will also serve as a national point of contact for the Training Network and will work with a broad set of stakeholders to define, prioritize and address issues related to solar training and workforce development. Applications are due June 15, 2010.

For more information on these Funding Opportunity Announcements, visit the Solar Energy Technologies Program’s Financial Opportunities site.

Marine and Hydrokinetic Technologies (MHK) – up to $39 million over four years
The Department will accelerate the technological advancement and commercial readiness of emerging water power technologies that can produce renewable, cost-competitive electricity by harnessing the energy of waves, currents, tides, and free-flowing rivers, or energy stored in ocean thermal gradients. DOE will use "technology readiness levels" a tool which has been effectively used by numerous companies and federal agencies to measure and compare the maturity of evolving technologies, to evaluate and select projects.

This funding opportunity seeks to leverage private-sector investment in MHK technologies by providing cost-shared funding to industry and industry-led partnerships in order to advance the technological and operational readiness of MHK systems and components. The goal is to effectively transition leading MHK system and component designs toward commercialization. Applications are due June 7, 2010.

The complete Funding Opportunity Announcement can be viewed on the Wind and Water Power Program’s Financial Opportunities site at the link below.

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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