Connecticut, Ohio, South Carolina Among Top Fuel Cell States

Published on: April 28, 2010

California, Connecticut, New York, Ohio and South Carolina are the top five states for fuel cells–in alphabetical order–according to a new report.

Each of the five is recognized by Fuel Cells 2000 for different reasons:

  • California is the world leader in vehicle demonstrations, hydrogen
    fueling stations and strict emissions standards, and has aggressive
    policies supporting fuel cell power generation utilizing renewable
  • Connecticut has high profile installations, offers substantial financial
    support for fuel power generation systems and is the headquarters for
    several major companies.
  • New York has a long history of support for fuel cell research and
  • Ohio has a well funded business development strategy aimed at fuel cells
    and the supply chain.
  • South Carolina universities take a collaborative approach; there is an
    aggressive economic development program and activism in forklift

The report, “State of the States: Fuel Cells in America,” provides a snapshot of fuel cell and hydrogen activity in the 50 states and District of Columbia.

The United States is home to major fuel cell manufacturers, small start-ups, fuel providers, as well as hundreds of component suppliers, end users and companies involved at one point or another on the development and manufacturing spectrum. 

Fuel Cells 2000 estimates that there are more than 630 active companies and laboratories in 47 states involved in the fuel cell and related fuels industry, investing an estimated $1 billion a year. Other estimates put the total supply chain in the thousands of companies.

The report examines the seven regions of the United States, compiling state activities including supportive fuel cell and hydrogen policies, installations and demonstrations in each state, Road Maps and the overall level of activism.

According to the report, states are realizing that the fuel cell and hydrogen industry provides much more than environmental benefits, it also provides economic benefits in the form of environmental jobs and business.  There are more details about the top 5 as well as the rest of the 50 states and District of Columbia in each state listing and the Appendices.

The full report is available for free as a pdf at the link below.

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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