White House Says Recovery May Stall Without Carbon Legislation

Published on: March 18, 2010

The Obama administration has shifted its message promoting climate change legislation for the second time this year.

Beginning with the State of the Union Address, President Obama began asserting that comprehensive legislation would serve as an engine for green jobs creation–moving the debate away from climate change. Now senior administration officials say that failure to create a clear regulatory environment for carbon emissions could stall the nation’s economic recovery.

This echoes the sentiment of companies across the country that believe carbon legislation is inevitable. Such companies have called for the swift passage of legislation to enable them to effectively calculate carbon costs for the years ahead. 

"Right now there’s a lot of money on the sidelines," said Energy Secretary Steven Chu said at an Export-Import Bank conference last week. "Capital on hold means investments not being made, investments not being made means jobs not being created."

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Comments on “White House Says Recovery May Stall Without Carbon Legislation”

  1. Jdbird

    Things are stalled now with every tax rate amied at $250,000 incomes. That is investor + income,,,,,,, why invest if it will only get taxed away. Can we really expect to pay $7 per gallon for gas & there fore $5 per gallon for milk, and get people to work on a solution???


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