Nevada Plant to Run on Nat Gas, Not Coal

Published on: March 24, 2010

U.S. Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) and The Blackstone Group announced that a proposed 700 MW coal plant in southern Nevada will be powered by natural gas, not coal.

The Toquop Generating Station, which will break ground in 2011, will also have 100 MW of solar PV at a nearby site. 

Developers also tabled proposals for two additional coal plants in the state. 

Nevada energy officials indefinitely postponed development of a 1500 MW coal plant until carbon sequestation technology is available, and halted construction of a 1600 MW coal plant because of a down economy and increasing regulatory uncertainties.

The Toquop project is being developed by Sithe Global Power, which is majority owned by private equity firm, The Blackstone Group. 

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