Green Car Report: Strong Policy Can Create US Jobs

Published on: March 26, 2010

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New vehicle technology and the right policy choices–including incentives for higher fuel efficiency vehicles–could create up to 150,000 jobs for US workers, according to a new report.

In “Driving Growth: How Clean Cars and Climate Policy Can Create Jobs,” the Natural Resources Defense Council, the UAW and the Center for American Progress find that a new fleet of fuel-efficient vehicles would allow drivers to enhance energy security, reduce carbon emissions and put auto workers and many others back to work.

The economic and environmental benefits underscore the need for Congress to pass strong clean energy and climate legislation that would promote good-paying domestic jobs and encourage investments in efficient, oil-saving technologies, according to the report.

“This study shows that increasing automotive fuel efficiency will create jobs,” said UAW President Ron Gettelfinger. “By continuing the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Incentive Program the federal government can make it much more likely that these jobs will be located in the United States. The ATVMIP is good for the environment and good for American workers.”

The analysis states that improving vehicle performance would drive demand for a variety of manufactured components from engines to control valves, creating jobs in the supply chain as well as on the assembly line. In addition, the report demonstrates that creating the right business incentives is key to determining where these cleantech jobs will be located.

In Related News…

General Motors unveiled its two-wheeled EN-V concept car which utilizes the balancing technology developed for Segway scooters. Read full coverage at the link below.

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