Environmental Assessment: Single-Use Bag Fees Work

Published on: March 9, 2010

The usage of single-use bags drops 90% when stores charge for them. That’s one of the findings of the master environmental assessment (MEA) on bags released Monday by Green Cities California (GCC). 

The assessment summarizes existing studies on the
environmental impacts of single use plastic, paper, compostable and reusable bags, as well as the
impacts of policy options such as fees and bans on bags.

“This is a first-of-its-kind comprehensive compilation of existing studies on bags aligned within the
context of CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act), which makes it useful in the preparation of
local Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs),” said Terry Rivasplata of ICF International, which put the report together.

“All Environmental Impact Reports must begin with a survey of existing scientific literature,” said Carol
Misseldine. “For those jurisdictions that must prepare an EIR in order to adopt ordinances that promote
the use of reusable bags, this MEA will provide essential assistance.”

The MEA reviewed studies that document environmental impacts from the use of all four types of bags
studied, including greenhouse gas emissions, persistent litter problems, marine life impacts, water
consumption and ozone formation.

Studies referenced in the MEA indicate that reusable bags, on a per use basis, have substantially
lower environmental impacts than single use bags. The study finds that even with a minimum of three
uses, reusable bags can result in less atmospheric acidification, ground level ozone formation, water use,
and greenhouse gas emissions.

“We’re not going to recycle our way to a sustainable society,” said Dean Kubani, GCC Steering
Committee member and Director of Santa Monica’s Office of Sustainability. “We need to orient away
from single use and towards durable products. We are confident that this report will provide the
documentation local governments need to adopt policies that encourage the use of reusable bags and
phase out single use bags.”

The full report is available at the link below.

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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