Electric Vehicle Maker Wants to Take Over California Toyota Plant

Published on: March 11, 2010

A California electric car maker wants to build vehicles at the Bay Area NUMMI plant, which will halt operations on April 1. The plant currently employs about 6,000 workers building Toyota (NYSE: TM) Corollas and Tacoma trucks.

The details are a little unclear, but Santa Clara-based Aurica Motors was founded by Greg Bender, a physicist in Silicon Valley. 

The company said it can produce all-electric vehicles that will cost from $40,000 to $50,000. However, the company would first need to raise about $1 billion to retool the factory.

Aurica says it has already raised millions from private investors. But it would not say who, or how much. And even if the company received massive federal and private support, it would likely be two years before the plant could be converted for EV production . 

Read Oakland Tribune coverage at the link below.

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