China To Announce 10-Year Renewable Energy Plan Soon

Published on: March 9, 2010

China will soon announce a new 10-year renewable energy program aimed at producing 15% of the nation’s power by 2020, according to a BusinessWeek article.

The Chinese government plans to spend billions of dollars to accelerate solar, wind and nuclear efforts already underway in an effort to reach its stated goal of reducing carbon intensity 40-45% over the next decade. 

The article references a story in the state-run-newspaper China Daily, which did not say when the new program will be officially announced. The article quotes Zhang Guoba, a deputy director of the newly created "super ministry," called the National Energy Commission. He reportedly helped draft the new 10-year program.

"It appears that some local governments approved energy-guzzling projects during economic crisis," Zhang said. "So only by fully implementing our energy saving regulations can we realize economic growth with less energy consumption."

Read the full article at the link below.

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