Wildlife Agencies Need Reform for Stewardship of Public Trust

Published on: February 25, 2010

State wildlife agencies need reform for effective stewardship, according to a commentary published in The Journal of Wildlife Management.

Many state wildlife agencies are dependent, financially and politically, on a single user group–hunters. Although this group should continue to be an integral part of wildlife conservation, the reports authors say agencies should adhere to the foundation upon which they were built–stewardship of the public trust.

The Public Trust Doctrine postulates that wildlife is owned by no one and held in trust for the benefit of all.
The article, A Conservation Institution for the 21st Century: Implications for State Wildlife Agencies, suggests four components for reform of the wildlife conservation institution:

Broad-based funding – Reliable, consistent, broad-based funding has not been achieved for most state wildlife agencies. The predominant funding source has been license sales and federal excise taxes paid by hunters, trappers, and gun owners. This leads to a pattern of institutional actions tending to meet the needs of a narrow base rather than broader public interest.

Trustee-based governance – Trustee-based governance should function outside the narrow focus of various constituents and avoid subservience to political authorities. Currently, political interests dominate within many state wildlife conservation agencies. The average incumbency of state fish and wildlife directors is less than three years, with many being replaced for political reasons.

Multidisciplinary science as the basis of recommendations from the professional staff – To make the best decisions regarding wildlife conservation, the best information must be available—and communicated without interference. Science should be the common ground for the institution when stakeholders become polarized over an issue.

Involvement of diverse stakeholders and partners – It has been suggested that an “iron triangle” exists among resource management agencies, traditional user groups, and policy makers. Diverse groups such as environmentalists, outdoor recreation enthusiasts, homeowners, industry, and agriculture can help build a stronger stakeholder base and bring more resources to wildlife conservation. As partners, their complementary strengths and capabilities could bring increased public support as well.

The article was written by a group of employees from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of Natural Resources at Cornell University and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

Full text of the article is available as a pdf at the link below.

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