Spire Provides Hanwha's First PV Line

Published on: February 2, 2010

Spire Corporation’s (Nasdaq: SPIR) 30-megawatts (MW) per year turnkey solar cell line has been accepted by Hanwha Chemical Corporation Ltd. of South Korea (Hanwha).

The line exceeded both its efficiency and throughput specifications producing 15.8% efficient multi-crystalline silicon solar cells at the rate of more than 34MW per year, Spire said in a release.

"This is Hanwha’s debut to the solar cell market and this line makes them very competitive," said Roger G. Little, Chairman and CEO of Spire Corporation.

Hanwha Chemical Corporation (hcc.hanwha.co.kr), an affiliate of South Korea’s Hanwha Group (000880.KS), is a manufacturer of synthetic resins and various petrochemical products in Asia. Their products are utilized as industrial films, packaging products, and construction materials, as well as abrasives for semiconductors.

"We knew Spire represented the best choice as a partner for this
turnkey solar cell factory," said a senior official of Hanwha about the
commissioning of their new Spire-supplied cell line. "Their process
technology and proven ability to deliver made them the company to work
with. We have not been disappointed."

Spire Corporation provides capital equipment and turnkey production lines to manufacture PV cells and modules.

Website: http://www.SpireCorp.com     
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