New Cleantech Index Launches

Published on: February 12, 2010

A new stock index tracks 119 companies in clean energy, energy efficiency, transport, waste management and water categories.

DB Climate Change Advisors (DBCCA), the climate change investment and research business of Deutsche Bank’s Asset Management business, and The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:NDAQ) announced the introduction of the DB NASDAQ OMX® Clean Tech Index (DBCC).  

Each company in the index derives at least a third of its revenues from clean technology. Of these, 106 companies have over 50% in clean tech revenues. Constituent companies must have market capitalization of $250 million and over $1 million average daily dollar trading volume. The index is equal-weighted to offer greater exposure to smaller-cap companies.   

“Climate change has already, and we believe will continue to deliver as an attractive source of alpha – which is one of the reasons why we saw the need to provide investors with a comprehensive, global and accurate benchmark for the sector,” said Kevin Parker, Global Head of Deutsche Bank’s Asset Management division (DeAM) and a member of Deutsche Bank’s Group Executive Committee.

In addition to a price return index, a total return version is also calculated (DBCT).

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